Ameco Playgrounds - Manufacturer of playground equipment and more

Indoor Playground Supplier

Why we are the best supplier for your indoor playground

When you choose Ameco Playgrounds as the supplier and manufacturer of your indoor playground, you can be assured that the equipment is safe and of high quality. All our equipment for your indoor playground meets the European and national safety requirements set for us as a supplier. This way, you can be sure that we, as your supplier, ensure that children can play carefree and safely in your indoor playground. As an experienced supplier and designer, we also offer equipment designed to minimize your maintenance costs. This also makes us the best supplier for your indoor playground.

Choose a custom playground

At Ameco Playgrounds, you can find play components that are custom-made for your indoor playground. As a supplier, we work with you at the drawing board to explore the possibilities for your indoor playground. We also consider its theme. This is possible because we collaborate with a specialized factory in Belgium. During production, there is close contact between us, the factory, and you as the customer. This way, you always receive detailed information about the progress. After production, your play elements are installed by our own installers, by an authorized dealer, or, if desired, by yourself.

Make an appointment and tell us your wishes

If you are looking for the right supplier for your indoor playground, contact Ameco Playgrounds. We are happy to look together at how we can set up your indoor playground well and guarantee you good service. You can reach us by calling +32 (0)15 768 768. We will schedule a non-binding appointment to discuss your wishes.

A selection of our clients

Ameco Playgrounds takes all your worries away

Ameco Playgrounds is an international manufacturer of play equipment and indoor playgrounds. Our close involvement in your project delivers custom solutions with optimal play enjoyment. We guarantee optimal service, correct quality, and great flexibility during production and installation.

More information?

Call us with any questions about our play structures or any other inquiries regarding Ameco Playgrounds. 

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