Ameco Playgrounds - Manufacturer of playground equipment and more

Building an Indoor Playground

Building an Indoor Playground with Ameco Playgrounds

Let us build your indoor playground for an ultimate experience

When you have your indoor playground built by Ameco Playgrounds, we always start with a conversation to discuss your wishes. We believe in close collaboration where we combine your ideas with our know-how to design unique creations that meet your expectations and the theme of your playground. The experience for your visitors is, of course, central. Every indoor playground we design and build offers hours of fun, interaction between parents and children, and an educational aspect. Naturally, we only work with the best materials and build your indoor playground according to the strictest European safety standards. Thanks to our smart designs and quality materials, you also benefit from minimal maintenance costs.

View our projects and make an appointment

Have a safe, durable, and fun indoor playground built by the specialists at Ameco Playgrounds. Check out our previous projects for inspiration and make an appointment. We are happy to listen to your wishes. Please call +32 (0)15 768 768, and we will soon schedule a conversation with you.

A selection of our play structures

Building an indoor playground.

Building an indoor playground.

See our projects

Ameco Playgrounds takes all your worries away

Ameco Playgrounds is an international manufacturer of play equipment and indoor playgrounds. Our close involvement in your project delivers custom solutions with optimal play enjoyment. We guarantee optimal service, correct quality, and great flexibility during production and installation.

More information?

Call us with any questions about our play structures or any other inquiries regarding Ameco Playgrounds. 

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